The academy's curriculum was developed by Saginaw Valley State University.
The foundation for the curriculum is the Michigan Curriculum Framework and Benchmarks (MCF) and the Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE’s).
The School Improvement Team has developed a library of instructional resources aligned to the MCF and the GLCE’s. To ensure that all of the MCF Benchmarks and GLCE’s are implemented, the teachers have implemented time and content grids also known as pacing guides for every 9 weeks of the school year, in all grades.
The time and content grids include: targets and objectives, best practices, instructional resources aligned to the MCF Benchmarks, GLCE’s, special education modifications, and assessments. The team also developed class level improvement plans which mirror the School Improvement Plan (SIP). The quarterly assessments are used to determine the curriculum’s effectiveness.
The School leader, assistant and instruction coach does a daily walk through and formal employee evaluations to monitor classroom instruction. Every spring the MEAP scores are reviewed, and a gap analysis is developed. This analysis is used to drive instruction, and to help narrow the gap where deficiencies may have occurred.